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(3) Jurusan Kimia UNESA Surabaya
(4) Jurusan Kimia UNESA Surabaya
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This research and development aims to develop appropriate virtual laboratory-based chemical instructional media in the subject matter of Chemical Elements. The feasibility of chemical instructional media is based on two criteria, namely media validity based on the results of the validator's assessment and media practicality based on the results of the student response questionnaire and observation of student activities. The type of research used is Borg & Gall's research and development (R & D) and carried out in four steps, namely; investigation and data collection, planning, initial development of product formats, and initial trials. The research instruments used in this research were media review sheets, media validation sheets, student response questionnaires, and student activity observation sheets. The results show that; the media were declared valid with a very valid validity category and a validity percentage of ≥61%; The media is stated to be practical based on student response questionnaires in term of students' interest in the media were 98% and 93.33% in term of convenience understanding and use, while the results of student observation show an activity of 88.75%. Based on the results of this research, the virtual laboratory-based chemistry instructional media are feasible to be used as in the subject matter of Chemical Elements.
Penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran kimia berbasis laboratorium virtual yang layak pada materi pokok Kimia Unsur. Kelayakan media pembalajaran didasarkan pada 2 kriteria yaitu validitas media berdasarkan hasil penilaian validator dan kepraktisan media berdasarkan hasil angket respon siswa dan observasi aktivitas siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) Borg & Gall dan dilakukan dalam empat langkah yaitu; penyelidikan dan pengumpulan data, perencanaan, pengembangan awal format produk, dan uji coba awal. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah lembar telaah media, lembar validasi media, angket respon siswa, dan lembar observasi aktivitas siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa; media dinyatakan valid dengan kategori sangat valid dan presentase kevalidan ≥61%; Media dinyatakan praktis berdasarkan angket respon siswa dalam hal ketertarikan siswa terhadap media diperoleh presentase 98% dan 93,33% dalam hal kemudahan pemahaman dan penggunaan, sementara hasil observasi aktivitas siswa sebesar 88,75%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka media pembelajaran berbasis laboratorium virtual layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada materi pokok Kimia Unsur.
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